Potraga za (ne)mjestom: Poetsko mapiranje kritičko-teorijskih, moralnih i identitetskih konjunktura savremenog svijeta
Thequest for (Non)Place: Poetic Mapping of Critical-Theoretical, Moral and Identity Conjunctures of Contemporary World

Author(s): Muris Bajramović
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Bosnian Literature, Theory of Literature
Published by: BZK "Preporod" Brčko distrikt Bosne i Hercegovine
Keywords: poetic; postmodern; culture; metaphysics; identity;
Summary/Abstract: This work interpretate the poems by Ervin Jahić in the book Nemjesto (No-place). There are numerous poetical models in his poems. On the other side this is culturally constructed book in which the readers can question the identity in the 21st century. It is often a deconstruction of the humanistic values of the West, and also the deconstruction of the individual identity position in a everyday life. Jahić is questioning the positions of our identity and the construction of it.

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