Prostorne figure kulturnog označavanja u odabranim romanima novije bošnjačke književnosti (Ponornica Skendera Kulenovića i Berlinski nepoznati prolaznik Irfana Horozovića)
Space Figures of Cultural Marking in the Novel of Recent Bosniak Literature (Skender Kulenović's Lost River And Irfan Horozović's The Unknown Passerby in Berlin)

Author(s): Fatima Trbonja
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Bosnian Literature, Theory of Literature
Published by: BZK "Preporod" Brčko distrikt Bosne i Hercegovine
Keywords: identity; cultural identity; spatial figures; the figure of subterranean river; city as a literary topos;
Summary/Abstract: The paper intends to analyze how spatial figures participate in the representation of Bosniak and Bosnian-Herzegovinian cultural identity in two novels of different poetic models. The research will include Skender Kulenović’s ‘Ponornica’ (1977) as a modern polyphonic novel, as well as a postmodern novel ‘Berlinski nepoznati prolaznik’ (1998) by Irfan Horozović, a novel with fluid structure related to the exile experience and elements of testimonial literature. These novels offer an insight to the impact of historical trauma (the Austro-Hungarian theme in the first novel and the last war in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the second novel) to a process of literary identity (identities) formation. For this purpose it will primarly be important to analyze the spatial figure of subterranean river and the city as a literary topos. The dominance of particular spatial figure, as well as their representation, is conditioned by poetic models, which results in different uses of spatial figures of city, urban area or bazaar and even a different topographies of nature.

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