Bosanski identitet kao protuteža nominalnom hrvatstvu i hrvatsko-muslimanskom književnom kanonu: kratki i neobjavljeni povijesni pregled bošnjačke književnosti Envera Čolakovića iz 1942. godine
Identity as a Counterbalance to the Nominal Croatianhood and Croatian-Muslim Literary Canon: A Brief and Unpublished Historical Overview of Bosniak Literature Written by Enver Čolaković in 1942.

Author(s): Muhidin Džanko
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Comparative Study of Literature, Bosnian Literature, Croatian Literature, Nationalism Studies, Sociology of Culture, Migration Studies, Ethnic Minorities Studies, Theory of Literature, Identity of Collectives
Published by: BZK "Preporod" Brčko distrikt Bosne i Hercegovine
Keywords: Bosniak literary historiography; Ustasha cultural policy in BiH; canonization; Croatian- Muslim literary canon; Bosnianhood; Bogomil thesis; decanonization;
Summary/Abstract: This paper analyzes the unpublished overview of Bosniak literature written by Enver Čolaković. Written during the time of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) within the project entitled “Croatian Muslim Monographs”, this study, content wise, had to adhere to the rigid national-ideological framework of the cultural policy of that time. However, the author, insisting on his Bogomil roots, Bosnianhood and Bosnian identity of the Bosniak literature managed to achieve, to the extent it was possible, a counterbalance to the nominal Croatianhood and the officially promoted “Croatian-Muslim literary canon”. The quality of his work can be seen in the fact that Čolaković wrote not only literary-historical overview of the Bosniak literature, but also provided its general periodization, and established, according to his personal ideas and literary-esthetic predilection, anthological-chrestomathic order of writers and works of Bosniak literature.

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