Postkolonialne fikcyjne światy w twórczości Andrzeja Ziemiańskiego
Postcolonial Imaginary Worlds in the Works of Andrzej Ziemiański

Author(s): Mariola Lekszycka
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
Published by: Ośrodek Badawczy Facta Ficta
Keywords: fictional world;fantasy;Achaja;Andrzej Ziemiański;postcolonialism
Summary/Abstract: The chapter “Postcolonial Imaginary Worlds in the Works of Andrzej Ziemiański” delivers a postcolonial interpretation of the work of Polish fantasy writer, Andrzej Ziemiański. The theoretical part summarizes the critical standpoints towards postcolonialism delivered by Edward Said, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Robert J. C. Young and Bill Ashcroft. The research is based on five volumes composing the series “Pomniki Cesarzowej Achai” by Andrzej Ziemiański. First featured in Achaja—the previous Ziemiańki’s series—the fictitious world is significantly expanded to include new characters and locales. Among the latter are significant differences which point at postcolonial relationship in the analysis of the “first encounters”—which, according to Mariola Lekszycka, complements the interpretation of Ziemiański’s oeuvre that was heretofore looked upon from feminist perspective.

  • Page Range: 449-471
  • Page Count: 23
  • Publication Year: 2018
  • Language: Polish
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