Нека спорна питања која се односе на доказну радњу испитивање сведока у ЗКП-у Републике Србије
Some Disputable Issues Concerning Probation of Witness in the Criminal Procedure Act of the Republic of Serbia
Author(s): Nikola Vuković
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: Questioning witnesses;Denial of testimony;Anonymous witness;Protected witness;Protected person;
Summary/Abstract: The subject of this paper are vexed questions related to the examination of the witness, which may occur in practice. The paper is visually structured in given items in order to achieve better intelligibility. Each item has its own article to deal with. The paper also presents solutions from Criminal Procedure Code of the Federal Republic of Germany. Brief reference is made to the relevant decisions of European Court of Human Rights regarding the institution of anonymous witnesses. Finally, the author points out on the differentiation between the terms from the CPC of the Republic of Serbia (2011) and the Law on the program of Protection of Participants in Criminal Proceedings (2005).
Book: Зборник радова "Двадесет година Дејтонског мировног споразума"
- Page Range: 868-880
- Page Count: 13
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Serbian