Основа идеје правне сигурности као услов и последица постојања Дејтонског споразума
Basis of the Idea of Legal Security as Condition and Consequence of Dayton Agreement Existance
Author(s): Sava Aksić
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: Law;Justice;Sanction;Purpose;Bosnia and Herzegovina;Dayton Agreement;Interest;
Summary/Abstract: The state where high level of legal security exists is an ideal of every kind of society. However, the legal security includes the quality of law as well as many qualities which refer to their normativism or appliance of Law. All these attributes may not leave space for any kind of abuse or, even worse, existence of wide discretionary authorizations which questions the idea of law as such. In country ruled by law, the idea of legal security is raised on the highest level of ethical norm. In constitutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republic of Srpska, collective and personal rights are on normative level, provided on the highest degrees. But by so-called Bonn’s authorizations, high and imprecise discretionary authorizations are given to OHR (Office of the High Representative), which were even more imprecisely interpreted by OHR. Considering this fact, Bosnia and Herzegovina became a classical protectorate.
Book: Зборник радова "Двадесет година Дејтонског мировног споразума"
- Page Range: 355-366
- Page Count: 12
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Serbian