Босна и Херцеговина и уставно судсво
Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Constitutional Review

Author(s): Marko Stanković
Subject(s): Constitutional Law
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: Bosnia and Herzegovina;Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina;Constitutional jurisprudence;Republic of Srpska;Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
Summary/Abstract: Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina is in many ways an original creation. Its greatest peculiarity is that the current Constitution of 1995 was passed in the form of an international treaty (or more precisely, an annex to the Dayton Peace Agreement), and thus its entities, Republic of Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, gained international recognition. In addition, almost all of the highest common bodies of Bosnia and Herzegovina have provided participation of all constituent peoples (Serbs, Muslims – Bosniaks and Croats), which is typical for a theoretical model of a confederation. The Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina was conceived as a body that is supposed to protect the principle of constitutionality and specific federal-confederal arrangement, but also to perform some other, very diverse functions. This paper analyzes the composition and powers of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and its position in the constitutional system.

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