Bosna i Hercegovina - ustavna država?
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Constitutional State?

Author(s): Srđan Đorđević, Nikola Ivković
Subject(s): Constitutional Law, Government/Political systems
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: Constitutional state;Bosnia and Herzegovina;Dayton;Constitutional-political praxis;Constitutional sovereignty;
Summary/Abstract: Atypical constitutional formula for Bosnia and Herzegovina occupies the interest of science for two decades. New dilemmas on constitutional-political and legal reality of this state appear. The paper deals with two issues. First, how to theoretically define the overall order and its particular segments. Second, the effort is necessary in order to create basis for qualitative change of the existing constitutional provisions. The main question is whether Bosnia and Herzegovina belongs to the circle of constitutional states. The authors start from the Häberle‘s theoretical model of the constitutional state.

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