Prednosti i nedostaci članstva u Evropskoj uniji
Advantages and Disadvantages of Membership in the European Union
Author(s): Bojana Lakičević-Đuranović
Subject(s): Security and defense, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, EU-Legislation
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: European Union;Advantages;Disadvantages;Enlargement;Security;
Summary/Abstract: The primary aim of this paper is to point out the advantages and dis¬advantages of membership in an international organisation such as the European Union, by highlighting various aspects crucial to the functioning of such systems. Today’s political orientation of the majority of European countries, and the whole world, is based on sharing what is common, primarily through trade and strengthening economic bonds, particularly after the Second World War. Therefore, countries join associations as a consequence of the need for a common trade policy and exchange of goods. In light of the present level of development of the Union, the relations between the Member States, institutional readiness and the relationship with the candidates, the question arises of what the advantages and disadvantages are faced by the countries candidates and potential candidates and whether these challenges are fundamentally different compared to the challenges faced by Member States in the period of their accession. From today’s point of view of the Balkan countries, and taking into account the inevitable fact that all forms of international cooperation take place on the basis of the economic development of a country, and economic development is what makes a country recognizable on the world map, it can be concluded that only by joining an organization that can assist it in fostering economic development, a country can expect a good international cooperation and a good life for its citizens. European funds will help regional development, modernization of agriculture, environmental protection, infrastructure development and quality education. Gradual enlargement has played a key role in the preservation of democracy and maintaining stability on the European continent. It is pointed out in the explanation of the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to the European Union in 2012. Today, EU policies have a stabilizing effect on the Western Balkans and are the basis for democratic reforms in Turkey. This political transition leads to real changes in practice. Croatia’s accession is the best example-though torn by a conflict only two decades ago, the country is now a stable democracy, capable of taking on the obligations of EU membership and of adhering to EU standards. Montenegro, therefore, has the Croatian example, in its very neighborhood. From their experience in the EU integration a lot can be learned. It can also be seen whether EU accession really brings more advantages than disadvantages.
Book: Зборник радова "Двадесет година Дејтонског мировног споразума"
- Page Range: 104-116
- Page Count: 13
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Serbian