Multimodal Transport as a Sustainable Transport
for the Chemical Industry: Primary Qualitative
Multimodal Transport as a Sustainable Transport
for the Chemical Industry: Primary Qualitative
Author(s): Jan Chocholáč, Jaroslava Hyršlová
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economy
Published by: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Keywords: Multimodal transport; chemical industry; sustainable transport; sustainable development
Summary/Abstract: Purpose: Increasing transport performance, more traffic accidents and efforts to respect sustainable developmentmake companies look for optimal transport solutions. The paper deals with the utilization of multimodal transportin the framework of transport of chemical goods in selected Czech Republic chemical industry companies. Theprimary objective of the paper is to map the motivation of the selected chemical industry companies for shiftingthe transport to multimodal transport.
Design/methodology/approach: The research was executed in the format of double round primary qualitativeresearch. The sample consisted of chemical industry companies from the Czech Republic that met the followingconditions as of the date of the start of this research: they were members of the Association of Chemical Industryof the Czech Republic, they were production companies that distributed large and significant portions of theirproduction abroad. In the case of the logistic services providers (LSPs) we addressed companies that providedlogistic services to chemical industry companies and had already cooperated with the Association of ChemicalIndustry of the Czech Republic.
Findings: Companies participating in this research have significant motivation for higher utilization of multimodaltransport. The main reasons for this are increased volumes of sales and expansion to new markets. Customers‘demands on products transport also gradually change. Reasons for utilization of other transport modes arecontinuing problems in road transport. Participating companies see significant potential in increased utilizationof multimodal transport in the area of continental transports. Such increased utilization would contribute tosignificant improvement of transport situation in Europe and to mitigation of negative impacts of transport on theenvironment and on public health.
Research/practical implications: In the framework of this research there have been identified criterions that aredecisive for implementation of chemical goods transportations. For further development of multimodal transport,it is essential to focus on reducing transport costs and transit times and on improving the availability of transportmeans.
Originality/value: This paper illustrates, on the example of selected chemical industry companies, the existingstate of affairs in the area of utilization of multimodal transport and it maps the motivation of companies forshifting transport to multimodal transport.
Book: Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (IMES 2018)
- Page Range: 143-153
- Page Count: 11
- Publication Year: 2018
- Language: English