ОЛАФ-чувар буџета Европске уније (правни основ и организациони аспекти)
OLAF-the Keeper of the European Union Budget (Legal and Organizational Aspects)
Author(s): Stevo Ivetić
Subject(s): Economy, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Public Finances, EU-Legislation
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: OLAF; UCLAF; AFCOS; EJT; External and internal investigations;
Summary/Abstract: This paper discusses the European Anti-Fraud Office which represents one of the four pillars of the EU security architecture (in addition to Europol, Frontex and Cepol). The paper deals with the normative basis for the establishment of OLAF, its development and operation, with special emphasis on its predecessor UCLAF. It, also, shows the institutional framework of the functioning of OLAF, especially in terms of the recent changes of the organizational structure of this European office. Furthermore,the paper describes the OLAF tasks, which, in addition to the implementation of external and internal investigations, include other activities that fall within its inherent jurisdiction. The conclusion points out to the future and possible further development of OLAF as a European institution, its further cooperation with the Office of the European Public Prosecutor, and the importance of establishing AFCOS system in BiH and cooperation with OLAF on the road to EU accession.
- Page Range: 535-546
- Page Count: 12
- Publication Year: 2015
- Language: Serbian