Радничка партиципација у бившим југословенским земљама и Европској унији
Workers' Participation in Former Yugoslav Countries and the European Union

Comparative Analysis

Author(s): Goran Marković
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Governance, Labor relations, EU-Legislation
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: Workers' participation; European Union; Works councils; Former Yugoslav countries; Directives;
Summary/Abstract: The author analyzes legal solutions which regulate workers’ right to participate in the management of enterprises in the member states of the European Union and in former Yugoslav countries, as well as in enterprises which operate in at least two member states of the European Union.Functioning of the works councils, which is one of basic models of workers’participation, has been analyzed in the paper.The author analyzes national and the European Union legislations, and concludes that there are some differences in the forms of realization of workers’ participation, in the spheres of the composition of works councils,their election and authorities, but the basic principles are essentially the same and could be centered on the conclusion that workers have the right to be informed and consulted.Comparing national legislations of the member states of the European Union and those of the former Yugoslav countries, the author suggests solutions which could improve workers’ right to participation.

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