Хармонизација радног права Републике Српске
Harmonization of Labor Law of Republic Srpska
Author(s): Željko Mirjanić
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Labor relations, EU-Legislation
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: Harmonization of labor law; Social dialogue; European labor law; Rules for law enactment;
Summary/Abstract: The paper analyses the importance and the process of harmonization of labor law of the Republika Srpska as a part of the process of the harmonization of law in the region with the EU law. In this process a social dialogue between social partners as well as a development of industrial democracy are vital,as well as values supported by the European Union. The subject of social dialogue is wider than the issues of harmonization of labor law, and it entails many other issues from labor law, and other law branches, in conformity with trends of development of social dialogue in the EU states. The special importance is given to Rules for drafting laws and other regulations of the Republika Srpska in the part which relates to conformity of laws with legal system of the European Union as a necessary part of reasoning of the draft or proposal of law in the course of proceedings of law enactment.
- Page Range: 283-296
- Page Count: 14
- Publication Year: 2015
- Language: Serbian