Срби у Мађарској – један поглед на савремену ситуацију
Serbs in Hungary: A View to the Contemporary Situation
Author(s): Mladena Prelić
Subject(s): Inter-Ethnic Relations, Ethnic Minorities Studies, Politics and Identity
Published by: Етнографски институт САНУ
Summary/Abstract: This work presents a view to contemporary situation of a national minority in the neighbouring state - the Serbs in Hungary. It involves a short review of social - demographic characteristics of a community, its place and institutions. There is also the question of ethnic identity, ways and possibilities of its maintenance. There have been important processes of social transformation concerning the Serbs in Hungary in recent years. The outside plan includes the process of transition of the Hungarian society and status changing of national minorities. The insi de plan represents changing of characteristics of the very Serbian community. These changes demand, among others, changing of the identity strategy of this community. New problems and finding new answers show to dynamic processes of ethnic identification in contemporary conditions.
Book: Етнички односи Срба са другим народима и етничким заједницама
- Page Range: 219-229
- Page Count: 11
- Publication Year: 1998
- Language: Serbian