Теоријска схватања о меродавном праву у материји представљања држава
Theoretical Conceptions About Authoritative Law in the Subject of the Representing States

In foro externo - Internal or International Law?

Author(s): Milenko Kreća
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: Authoritative law; Representation of states; Internationalist theory; Constitutionalist theory; Ecclectic theories;
Summary/Abstract: The author analyzes theoretical conceptions about the issue whether the internal or international law is authoritative in the subject of representation of a state in international relations. The rules of internal and international laws on the status and authorization of state organs in international relations do not necessarily concur. For this reason it is important to determine whether internal or international law has a primate.Particular attention in the paper is dedicated to two theories, the internationalist, and the constitutionalist, which give different answers to the question whether and to what extent the violation of formal restraints enacted by the norms of internal law is relevant for international law. The author also analyzes the eclectic theories, which differ among themselves very much.Key words: Authoritative law; Representation of states; Internationalist theory; Constitutionalist theory; Eclectic theories.

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