Уметност живљења уз ине. Искуства са територије данашње Румуније
The Art of Living with Other People - Experiences from the Territory of Today's Rumania

Author(s): Stevan Bugarski
Subject(s): Inter-Ethnic Relations, Politics and Identity
Published by: Етнографски институт САНУ
Summary/Abstract: Presence of the Serbs on the territory of today's Rumania has been lasting for centuries. Not only in Banat did this presence exist. Traces of Serbs on the territory of today's Rumania date from the sixth century. Serbian presence can be noted in documents and they have been confirmed in every historical province since the beginning of this millenium. Serbs were acknowledged as highly respected, and this was a sort of a counter argument towards anti Serbian treatment of some Rumanian societies. These treatments consisted both of formal acts and folk tradition (ethnic stereotypes). Sudden inhabiting of dozens of thousands refugees during the Great migration (1690) changed the balance of the Serbian form in Rumanian countries. This balance was also changed with aboriginal, Rumanian inhabitants. Serbs and Rumanians were "together" against German and Hungarian rule. The Serbs often stressed who was there "dominant". "Jerarhic" sharing in 1864 brought many sorts of dissidence and dissension. Serbian priests were on service to the people of other religions. Repulsive feelings towards the "[vabe" were seen in many different things and they were expressed in folk tradition. The Serbs assimilated and they were assimilated, but it must be noted that these sorts of assimilating were never final. Nationally mixed marriages were equal threat for both marriage parts. The Serbs in Rumania live according to the slogan: You should trust no one to the end and you should never make enemies. Living with other people is not bad itself. Finally the question can be asked. Is there any minimum "of being Serbian" which any Serb living in multinational community should have?

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