Склапање брака у савременом српском друштву. два обреда и њихова анализа
Getting Married in Contemporary Serbian Society. Two Rituals and their Analysis
Author(s): Aleksandra Pavićević
Subject(s): Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure
Published by: Етнографски институт САНУ
Summary/Abstract: The revitalization of the part that Orthodox Church makes in public life is obvious in the period of crisis. Young couples the most likely take both the civil ceremony and the ecclestiastical matrimony. The similarities and the differences between these two rituals, the way of the approachment to both of them, as well the data of (non)taking part in the life of Church of those taking ecclestiastical matrimony, all of them present an interesting mirror for the social occurance.
Book: Обичаји животног циклуса у градској средини
- Page Range: 279-290
- Page Count: 12
- Publication Year: 2002
- Language: Serbian