Црквени ритуали животног циклуса: крштење и венчање
Ecclestiastical Life Cycle Rituals: Baptism and Wedding
Author(s): Lidija Radulović
Subject(s): Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure , Eastern Orthodoxy
Published by: Етнографски институт САНУ
Summary/Abstract: Ecclestiastical wedding and baptism have been researched as the cultural phenomena with the change in their meanings. The adoption of the ecclestiastical meaning, the change, the reducement and the completely abandonment of the religious meanings could be observed on the individual, interpretative level. I have singled out the meaning of the (spiritual and physical) purification and of the healing considering the ritual of baptism, beside the expected meaning of the formal iniciation to the Orthodox religion. The baptism and the ecclestiastical wedding present in a great deal a confirmation of a national identity, as well the ritual conformism. Wedding "witnessed by God" is considered as the guarantee of the successfulness and of the longevity of the marriage. The wedding ce remony religious contents are fullfilled with the esthetic meanings of stressing an essential moment in life. One can reach the basic charateristics of the reli giousness by "reading" religious rituals in the perspective of the individual mea nings. The contemporary religiousness is characterized by a certain eclecticism.
Book: Обичаји животног циклуса у градској средини
- Page Range: 77-93
- Page Count: 17
- Publication Year: 2002
- Language: Serbian