Прежици матријархатског културног модела у ритуалима прелаза, посебно приликом рођења и свадбе
Matriarchat Model Survivals in Rites of Passage, Especially in Birth and Wedding

Author(s): Sreten Petrović
Subject(s): Gender Studies, Culture and social structure
Published by: Етнографски институт САНУ
Summary/Abstract: The aim of the paper is to demonstrate that two relatively compact socioanthropological behaviouring models could be observed within global Serbian cultural areal in the "rites of passage": a) the matriarchy one – east of Velika Morava and b) the patrairchy one – west of Velika Morava, including the rituality of people inhabiting Serbian Krayinas in the west of Balkan. The theoretical idea will be enriched by the contemporary and the traditional ritual praxis examples considering birth and wedding.

  • Page Range: 25-38
  • Page Count: 14
  • Publication Year: 2002
  • Language: Serbian
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