Creşterea rezilienţei prin formarea unei "culturi a siguranţei" la nivelul comunităţilor locale
Increasing resilience by forming a "culture of safety" for the local communities

Author(s): Alina Chicoş, Alina HUZUI-STOICULESCU, Georgiana Toth
Subject(s): Human Geography, Regional Geography, Environmental Geography, Applied Geography, Sociology, Socio-Economic Research
Keywords: resilience; risk-prone areas; social actors; culture of safety
Summary/Abstract: The concept of resilience is useful for understanding and analyzing the contemporary urban systems, to define new approaches and to establish new urban planning principles. From this perspective, the paper highlights the issue of territorial development of human settlements in the context of exposure to earthquakes, floods and landslides. Exploring the attitudes of social actors towards prevention policies and protection against certain disasters shows that the partnership between community and institutional structures is the solution for a sustainable development of these risk-prone territories. Consequently, a community-based "culture of safety" is expected to emerge based on an increased involvement of local people in prevention activities.

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