Componentele mediului construit (teren, clădiri, ocupanţi) şi interacţiunea cu condiţiile seismice, climatice şi antropice. Proiecte de cercetare în curs la URBAN-INCERC, Sucursala INCERC Bucureşti
Components of the built environment (land, buildings, tenants) and their interaction with the seismic, climatic and anthropic conditions. Ongoing research projects at the INCERC branch of NIRD URBAN-INCERC

Author(s): Emil-Sever Georgescu, Iolanda-Gabriela CRAIFALEANU, Claudiu-Sorin Dragomir, Daniela Dobre
Subject(s): Architecture, Environmental Geography
Keywords: seism; climă; mediu; evacuare; vulnerabilitate
Summary/Abstract: The presented projects within the paper represent advanced approaches in the multihazard assessment field, highlighting the interaction of built environment components with the current seismic, climate and antropic conditions. In principle, all projects aim to identify/develop and to implement the best practices and methodologies in accordance with EU policies, be it about the built environment and its components, or about the nature of the hazards from Romania, or on the impact on the environment and on population. Also, a common objective refers to facilitate the interaction between academia and research with students, teachers and public authorities. Each component of the built environment represent a topic of a research project. Although soil, buildings, population are studied sometimes separately, there is an obvious need of correlation between the sustainability criteria, since some feasibility and environment conditions may act contradictory. For an active assimilation by the professional community of the Romanian seismic code P100-1/2013, harmonized with the European standards for seismic design of buildings, the SEISMOCODE platform is the subject of an ongoing project. Bridging the gap between seismology and earthquake engineering, considering the seismicity of Romania, as a main path towards a refined implementation of seismic action in earthquake resistant design of buildings, according to the European Standard - Eurocode 8 - EN1998-1 i s t he s ubject o f B IGSEES p roject. Monitoring and evaluation of natural hazards preparedness in schools represent the theme of the project E-PRES, which is funded by the European Commission. Within the ROEDUSEIS project, some educational materials (textbooks, maps, theoretical descriptions, activities, posters, information sheets), adapted on the preuniversitary levels, are developed, an educational seismic network in schools is installed and an elearning platform is developed etc. The study of a urban protected area, exposed to multiple hazards, is done in the URBASRISK project.

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