Polonais et étrangers : les nôtres et les autres dans le milieu universitaire de Vilnius en 1803–1825
The Poles and foreigners, or “fellows” and “strangers” in the scientific community of Vilnius University between 1803 and 1825

Author(s): Jolanta Kowal
Subject(s): Cultural history, History of Education, Ethnic Minorities Studies, Sociology of Education
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: „Dziennik Wileński”; foreigners; Frank Józef; Polish People; Śniadecki Jan; Vilnius University; Vilnius; Le Journal de Vilnius; les étrangers; les nôtres; les Polonais; Université de Vilnius; Vilna
Summary/Abstract: Along with the vocation to exist in 1803 for Imperial Vilnius University, an extensive search action of recruiting foreigners to professorial positions started on the initiative of the Rev. guardian – Adam Jerzy Czartoryski. The professors-Poles, gathered around Jan Śniadecki, opposed to this idea from the very beginning. This division into the Poles and foreigners will begin to tell on itself within the scientific community of the college from now on. Not only ethnic, but also of outlook, political and economic differences were the underlying reason for a mutual animosity. Of course it had a negative influence on the efficient scientific activity of Vilnius University, for example, on publishing magazines which editors were predominantly recruited exactly from the intellectual circle of Vilnius Alma Mater. These fights among both clans had lasted till about 1825 when their chief participants (G.E. Groddeck, J. Frank, J. Śniadecki or S.B. Jundziłł) left the stage.

  • Page Range: 93-101
  • Page Count: 9
  • Publication Year: 2017
  • Language: French
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