Jazyk súkromnej korešpondencie Anny Márie Sentivániovej
The Language of Anna Mária Sentiváni's Private Correspondence

Author(s): Jana Skladaná
Subject(s): Gender Studies, Communication studies, Modern Age, Culture and social structure , Family and social welfare
Published by: Historický ústav SAV
Keywords: Anna Mária Sentiváni; language; private correspondence; aristocratic families; social contacts;
Summary/Abstract: The paper analyses the language of 52 letters that Anna Mária Sentiváni wrote to her husband Ján Radvansky. The letters are written in a cultivated Slovak with a strong influence of the central Slovakian dialect. A socio-linguistic analysis reveals that Anna Mária was an educated woman - she wrote the letters herself. This assumption is supported also by the letters contents. Apart from the usual family joys and worries, problems with maintaining and managing the household, they are full of her shrewd, sound and insightful observations that demonstrate her lively interest in various issues. Her social contacts included other aristocratic families and the parish priest. Despite considerable responsibility of her duties she always depended on the opinion and decisions of her husband.

  • Page Range: 267-271
  • Page Count: 5
  • Publication Year: 2004
  • Language: Slovak
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