Прилагане на производствената функция на Коб-Дъглас за оценка на факторите, влияещи върху обема на строителната продукция в България за периода 2000-2014 г.
Application of the Cobb-Duglas Production Funktion for Estimating Factors Affecting the Volume of Building Production in the Republic of Bulgaria during 2000-2014

Author(s): Deyan Mihailov
Subject(s): Economy
Published by: Икономически университет - Варна
Keywords: Cobb-Duglas Production Function; Building Production
Summary/Abstract: The report defined the parameters of the Cobb-Douglas production function in the building sector. The statistical data about investments, labor and production in this sector in the Republic of Bulgaria during 2000-2014 are used.

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