Roluri şi competenţe specifice managerului şcolar
Roles and competences specific for the educational manager
Subject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Editura Lumen, Asociatia Lumen
Keywords: Management; education; school manager
Summary/Abstract: In education, the art of leadership is very important because it emphasizes much better the personality of the leader, and his personal example plays an essential role in achieving the goals set for unity. The art of leadership is actually the art of working with people, that is, the new, modern and distinct dimension of the educational unit leader. The school manager, in his or her capacity as a state representative in the school, public or private, must interpret and assume throughout his / her activity a set of roles, proving through them managerial skills, legal, psycho-pedagogical, economic-financial And administrative-household, managerial, cultural and socio-moral, and to be fully concerned with the problems of the community they manage.
Book: Managementul educational - perspective în Romania şi în lume
- Page Range: 19-24
- Page Count: 6
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Romanian