Став Срба према мировним плaновима из прве половине 90-их година XX века
The Attitude of Serbs to Peacemaking Plans in the Ninties

Author(s): Jelena Guskova
Subject(s): Governance, Diplomatic history, Political history, International relations/trade, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Inter-Ethnic Relations
Published by: Institut za uporedno pravo
Keywords: Balkan conflictt; negotiations; Peace initiatives; Carrington’s plan; Vance/Owen peace plan;Serbian attitude
Summary/Abstract: A number of organizations and institutions during five years take a part in regulating Balkans conflict, between them: EU, UN, OSCE, etc. The author analyzes basic stages in the process of negotiations, especially the Carrington’s plan, Vance-Owen peace plan, conferences in London and Dayton. The author focused special attention on the attitude of Serbs in these negotiations. The conclusion is that the representatives of the negotiation institutions did not were objective and were biased to the detriment of Serbs? interests. Results of Balkans crisis were strengthens of the power in regulation of conflicts, and leading role at applying a force have NATO and USA.

  • Page Range: 33-57
  • Page Count: 25
  • Publication Year: 2011
  • Language: Serbian
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