Административнонаказателна отговорност по новия Закон за обществените поръчки
Administrative Penal Liability According to the New Public Procurement Act

Author(s): Zhivka Mateeva, Diana Dimitrova
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Law on Economics
Published by: Икономически университет - Варна
Keywords: administrative penal liability; contracting authority; administrative violations; control authorities; public procurement
Summary/Abstract: The dynamic market process and tensed competition within the multitude of small and medium-sized enterprises, struggling to win public procurement is related to the necessity of prompt determination of the contracting authority’s liability in the event of non-compliance with the legal requirements and principles, which benefits the development of transparent and unified practices in the area of public procurements. The objective of the report is to analyse the new legislative regulation of the administrative penal liability through clarification of the subjects and the particular composition of the administrative violations according to the Public procurement act, highlighting the importance of the control over the application of this legislation.

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