Alternativne krivične sankcije u državama balkanskog regiona
Alternative Criminal Sanctions in Balkan Countries
Author(s): Nataša Mrvić-Petrović
Subject(s): Criminal Law
Published by: Institut za uporedno pravo
Keywords: alternative criminal sanctions; judicial reform; Balkan countries; probation services; execution of sanctions
Summary/Abstract: In all Balkan countres alternative criminal sanctions (community sanctions) have been introduced as those apllicable in the phase of the trial and execution, as well as measures to suspend the criminal procedings before the trial. Suspended sentence with supervision and parole, are sanctions that have a long tradition in Balkan countres. Sanction they are more sophistical are: the fragmentation of imprisonment (Turkey, Albania), community service as an independent sanction (Serbia, Montenegro) or substitute for imprisonment (Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Makedonia, Romania, Turkey, Albania, Greece), probation (Bulgaria), condition termination of criminal procedure (Makedonia). Actions are similar to juvenile justice reforms that allowed diversion measures and victim and offender mediation. The success of execution of alternatives sanctions depends on the organization of probation services. They are organized in the most countries of the centralized way (Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey), while in Makedonia using social welfare. Probation services in Balkan states are established only after 2000 year.
Book: Pravo zemalja u regionu
- Page Range: 56-73
- Page Count: 18
- Publication Year: 2010
- Language: Serbian