Importance of Impact Assessment for Urban Planning Cover Image

Značaj procene uticaja za urbanističko planiranje
Importance of Impact Assessment for Urban Planning

Author(s): Miloš Živković, Marko Milenković
Subject(s): Policy, planning, forecast and speculation, Human Ecology
Published by: Institut za uporedno pravo
Keywords: urban planning; strategic environmental impact assessment; public participation; hierarchy of planning documents
Summary/Abstract: Strategic environmental impact assessment (SEA) is an important measure for preventing adverse environmental impacts which has become an integral part of the adoption of programs, plans and policies relevant to the environment, including spatial and urban planning. The paper offers a preliminary analysis of the strategic environmental impact assessment framework in Serbia from the perspective of its impact on urban planning. It puts forward the proposals for further integration of the assessment into the urban planning process while enabling for development opportunities not restricted by extensive planning as well as creation of flexible mechanisms for efficient coordination of different objectives that need to be achieved in a transition economy. The article also analyzes whether the complex SEA is always needed for planning documents of lower hierarchical order which do not provide for the land use that could have a significant impact on (local) environment and whether the plans of this kind require SEA if environmental impact assessment is required and is going to be undertaken for envisaged facilities. Additionally, the paper looks into the impact “overplanning” has on planning documents of lower hierarchical level and investment projects realisation in accordance with them, and concluded that satisfactory final results can only be achieved if proper balance is made between the interests of environmental protection and economic development.

  • Page Range: 184-210
  • Page Count: 27
  • Publication Year: 2012
  • Language: Serbian
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