Міжнародний досвід управління економічним розвитком депресивних регіонів в умовах фінансово-бюджетної децентралізації
International experience in managing economic development of depressed regions in the conditions of fiscal-budget decentralization

Author(s): Yurii Malakhovskyi
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, National Economy, Public Administration, Public Law, Public Finances, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Кіровоградський національний технічний університет
Keywords: deprived areas; undeveloped depressed areas; community problem; sectoral support; underpaid person
Summary/Abstract: The aim of the publication is to generalize experience of the specialized agencies and development institutions on the isolation and identification of depressed areas of the US, Canada and EU countries, management processes of economic development and formulation of proposals to extend the existing experience of local bodies of state and local government.The main economic mechanisms implemented specifically created to support the troubled areas of organizational structures today are: grants, subsidies; access to public contracts; tax reduction; reduction of interest on the loan; micro credit; guarantees; a new mechanism of innovation development; sectoral support; comprehensive infrastructure and industries; organization of industrial parks and business zones; support for small and medium enterprises; development of clusters.

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