Актуелност узајамних утицаја језика, књижевности и филозофије у античкој реторичкој аргументацији
Actuality of Mutual Influences of Language, Literature and Philosophy in Ancient Rhetorical Argumentation
Author(s): Ana Elaković-Nenadović
Subject(s): Theory of Literature
Keywords: ancient rhetorical argumentation; forensic oratory; Lycurgus; Aeschines; Demosthenes
Summary/Abstract: In this paper we shall discuss about interdisciplinarity of ancient experience in rhetorical argumentation. This includes an interaction between different kinds of discourses, lingusitic, literary and philosphical. Our research is based on the oratory of three ancient rhetoricians: Lycurgus, Aeschines and Demosthenes. The main intention of our research would be directed to the role and function of some philosophical, literary or historical places in their oratory as a substitution for something which can be hard proved with the legislative instruments, material or some other testimonies. So, the above-mentioned places we can observe as a substitution or supplement for something which some orator is missing in a certain moment of his defence in the court.
Book: Language, Literature and Philosophy
- Page Range: 33-44
- Page Count: 12
- Publication Year: 2016
- Language: Serbian