Author(s): Marián Zajko
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economy
Published by: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Keywords: Massachussetts Institute of Technology; entrepreneurship education;entrepreneurship ecosystem; innovation-driven start-up; Disciplined Entrepreneurship
Summary/Abstract: MIT entrepreneurship has become a renowned term due to the impressive results of MIT alumniand students in innovation and entrepreneurship. It is an outcome of specific university cultureof excellent research and pedagogy but also close collaboration with industry andentrepreneurship among MIT students and teachers within the unique MIT entrepreneurshipecosystem. The intention of this paper is to show the positive impact of leading entrepreneurialuniversity (MIT) on its environment in relation to the key driver of this success - itsentrepreneurship ecosystem. Particular attention will be devoted to the framework „DisciplinedEntrepreneurship“ for development of innovation-driven start-ups playing a substantial role intheir development and survival. This may serve as an inspiration and impulse for leading Slovakand Czech universities with ambition to adopt a more entrepreneurial model of operation.Key words: Massachussetts Institute of Technology, entrepreneurship education,entrepreneurship ecosystem, innovation-driven start-up, Disciplined Entrepreneurship.JEL Code: M13, O31IntroductionThere is an extensive literature on the entrepreneurship/entreprenMIT entrepreneurship has become a renowned term due to the impressive results of MIT alumni and students in innovation and entrepreneurship. It is an outcome of specific university culture of excellent research and pedagogy but also close collaboration with industry and entrepreneurship among MIT students and teachers within the unique MIT entrepreneurship ecosystem. The intention of this paper is to show the positive impact of leading entrepreneurial university (MIT) on its environment in relation to the key driver of this success - its entrepreneurship ecosystem. Particular attention will be devoted to the framework „Disciplined Entrepreneurship“ for development of innovation-driven start-ups playing a substantial role in their development and survival. This may serve as an inspiration and impulse for leading Slovak and Czech universities with ambition to adopt a more entrepreneurial model of operation.

  • Page Range: 768-779
  • Page Count: 12
  • Publication Year: 2016
  • Language: English
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