Seuils de la connaissance ésotérique dans « Le langage des oiseaux » de Farid-ud-Din 'Attâr
Thresholds of esoteric knowledge in "Le langage des oiseaux" by Farid-ud-Din 'Attâr

Author(s): Atmane Bissani
Subject(s): Philosophy, Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Islam studies, Comparative Study of Literature, Other Language Literature, Cultural Essay, Philology
Published by: Editura Junimea
Keywords: Thresholds; Stations; Light; Illumination; Xvarnah; Numinous;
Summary/Abstract: Knowledge in the mystical tradition of Islam progresses from the exoteric to the esoteric. We are referring to a progress that transforms the reality of the sensible world into a way to get access to the secrets that only the devoted sâliq – wayfarer – is able to discover. On the other hand, the way and the thresholds along the way to the esoteric require perseverance, patience and bravery from the Soufi. The reason is the fact that the progress towards the esoteric knowledge is consubstantial with the progress towards the knowledge of God, the knowledge of the Truth. This knowledge is not available to everyone, but it divulges itself in the heart of the wayfarer as being God’s secret word. Le langage des oiseaux by Faridud- Din ‘Attâr, the text we deal with in the present paper, comes in the wake of the Soufi masters’ Thresholds leading to the esoteric knowledge, in many respects. Indeed, the birds crossing the seven valleys (thresholds, stations) in order to find the Simurgh (God) end up discovering themselves as being God. The illumination, God’s light, reigns then and the esoteric knowledge takes shape and makes sense, resulting in the access to the Numinous. Our paper questions the Thresholds of this mystical progress towards the ultimate experience of the Xvarnah, God’s light and glory.

  • Page Range: 71-79
  • Page Count: 9
  • Publication Year: 2021
  • Language: French
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