Łacińsko-polski wokabularz Bartłomieja z Bydgoszczy. Opis podstawy źródłowej
Latin-Polish Vocabulary of Bartholomeus de Bydgostia. Description of the Source Base

Author(s): Maria Trawińska
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Historical Linguistics, Translation Studies
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: Bartholomeus de Bydgostia; manuscript; Latin dictionary 15th century; Latin; Polish language 16th century
Summary/Abstract: The purpose of the article is to show the difficulties involved in compiling the Latin-Polish dictionary of Bartholomeus de Bydgostia.  Based on selected entries, the differences between the Latin and Polish parts are shown. They result from the different way of defining the Latin entries, whose author was the German humanist J. Reuchlin, and the nature of their Polish explanations added by Bartholomew. Very often, Latin headwords are explained by close synonyms of both Latin and Polish words, which do not form a coherent whole. For this reason, the meaning cannot be precisely determined for all words.

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