O języku "Postylli mniejszej" Jakuba Wujka: obraz kobiet w kazaniach na dni świętych — uwagi wstępne
About the language of Jakub Wujek’s "Postil minor": the image of women in sermons for saints’ days — introductory remarks

Author(s): Jolanta Migdał
Subject(s): Anthropology, Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Theology and Religion
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: 16th century Polish; Jakub Wujek; postylla; sermons; woman
Summary/Abstract: The article presents introductory remarks on the functioning of women in the sixteenth-century sermons of “Postylla Minor” (“Postylla mniejsza”) by Jakub Wujek. The method of naming female persons was characterized. Women are most often called “białogłowy” or “niewiasty” and are usually shown by their roles: mother, wife, daughter, virgin, widow, nun. A group of women mentioned in “Sermons for the days of saintly patrons” was discussed. Mary, the Mother of Christ, is mentioned most often in the sermons. Jakub Wujek also recalls other female biblical heroines: from the Old Testament – Anna, Ewa, Sara, Rachab, Rut, Tamar, Uriah's wife, from the New Testament – Anna, Elżbieta, Maria Magdalena / Magdalena, Marta and not found in the Bible Anna, the mother of Mary. Historical figures also appear in the sermons: Elżbieta – most likely Elżbieta of Thuringia, Empress Helena, Jadwiga widow – Jadwiga of Silesia, Paula – Paula Rzymianka, Pulcheria – Empress of Constantinople, Katarzyna – probably Katarzyna of Alexandria, Agrypina Młodsza – Nero’s mother. In Wujek's sermons, women are shown primarily as acting in God's plan of salvation.

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