Ordoliberalism and Liberalism in the Post-War Czechoslovakia (1945–1948)
Ordoliberalism and Liberalism in the Post-War Czechoslovakia (1945–1948)

Author(s): Tomáš Nikodym, Josef Šíma
Subject(s): History, Economic history
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: ordoliberalism; liberalism; Czechoslovakia; Christianity
Summary/Abstract: The paper deals with economic thought of almost forgotten Christian conservatives after the World War Two. Despite the all-embracing socialist ideas, these people were proposing non-socialistic post-war order based on private property, free enterprise and competition. Their proposals were in the sharp contrast to the leading idea of “socializing” or “economic” democracy and comprehensive economic planning. Their economic thought had elements of both classical liberalism and ordoliberalism. Despite their relatively good public recognition, political development of post-war Czechoslovakia did not allow them to change public opinion. One way or another, the proper interpretation of their work is still missing in the history of economic thought textbooks so we attempt to provide at least the overview of their ideas and thus also provide the basis for future research agenda.

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