Impact of Pandemics – An Economic Perspective
Impact of Pandemics – An Economic Perspective

Author(s): Diyana Miteva
Subject(s): Economy, National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: pandemic; impact; crisis; covid-19; economic stability
Summary/Abstract: Recent COVID-19 pandemic surprised society and state leaders with its sudden appearance finding countries unprepared for common lockdown, travel restriction and high infection rates. It affected heavily society, business and state governance around the world causing unprecedent drop and changes in economic indicators. Therefore, the paper aims to outline the main impact pandemics have on economies. An analysis of the overall economic indicators affected by the Covid-19 pandemic is given where results show that sharp increase of government debt, inflation, financial sector leverage and other indicators are reported following 2020. Data proves the serious crisis that countries are facing because of Covid-19 pandemic and also how vulnerable the world economy is towards pandemic.

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