Shepherdess and Gypsy, or under what Conditions is a Comparative Study of Genesian Texts Possible? Cover Image
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Pastereczka i cyganiątko, czyli pod jakimi warunkami jest możliwa komparatystyka tekstów genezyjskich?
Shepherdess and Gypsy, or under what Conditions is a Comparative Study of Genesian Texts Possible?

Author(s): Karol Samsel
Subject(s): Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: Genesian Słowacki; comparative studies; William Wordsworth; William Blake; Matthew Arnold
Summary/Abstract: The study heads to frame the Genesian Juliusz Słowacki’s lyric "Do pastereczki siedzącej na druidów kamieniach w Pornic nad Oceanem" (“To Shepherdess, sitting on Druid’s Stone in Pornic over the Ocean”) in the perspective of numerous intertexts corresponding with each other, creating peculiar for the poem system of comparative relations locating the Słowacki’s “Shepherdess” in the field of the most representative children’s-epiphanic poems of William Blake ("Songs of Innocence: Little Girl Lost. Little Girl Found"), William Wordsworth ("Ode. Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood and To a Highland Girl") as well as Matthew Arnold ("To a Gypsy Child by the Seashore"). Multi-faceted and referring to many intertexts at the same time, realised and accomplished in that way, comparing of Słowacki’s Genesian pieces enables to look at all Genesian works of poet not from the traditional one, idiomatic perspective as at the articulation of extremely individual and unique experience, but from the universal perspective, where Genesian text applies to widely understood phenomenas of existential and philosophical romanticism, including here the categories of maturation, initiation, transgression and transcendence, cognition and metaphysical participation of being in the world. Oriented in that way, philological and microphilological close reading of Słowacki’s poems, letters and diary, Wordsworth’s poems and letters, Blake’s letters equipped with special plates from "Songs of Innocence", finally Arnold’s poems – because of its multi-genericality and multi-facetility – can lead the comparative scholar of Słowacki much further than it was facilitated earlier in traditional comparative studies (in study represented by known and valued essay of Maria Cieśla-Korytowska about Słowacki and Wordsworth).

  • Page Range: 416-425
  • Page Count: 10
  • Publication Year: 2021
  • Language: Polish
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