The Eastern Travel Diary of Juliusz Słowacki – the Space of Poetic Memory Cover Image
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Raptularz podróży wschodniej Juliusza Słowackiego – przestrzeń pamięci poetyckiej
The Eastern Travel Diary of Juliusz Słowacki – the Space of Poetic Memory

Author(s): Zbigniew Przychodniak
Subject(s): Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: Romanticism; notebook; The Eastern Travel Diary; operational memory; poetic memory
Summary/Abstract: The retrieval of the manuscript of Juliusz Słowacki’s notebook from his travels to Greece, Egypt and Palestine (1836‒1837) allows us to resume the analysis of this many-texted written document, called "Raptularz Wschodni" (“The Eastern Travel Diary”). It contains travel notes, ready-to-publish creations, drafts and plans of many literary pieces – among others, ["Listy poetyckie z Egiptu"] (“[Poetic Letters from Egypt]”), "Podróż do Ziemi Świętej z Neapolu" (“Voyage to the Holy Land from Napoli”). The question of genesis and timeframe of the entries, the composition rules, its mnemonic function and the role of the notebook in the opus of Juliusz Słowacki is reconsidered. The comparison to other notebooks of the poet points to a special character of this traveller’s silva rerum, and its role as a sort of poetic memory on hand. “The Eastern Travel Diary” by Juliusz Słowacki is a heterogeneous, palimpsest document, an open work with a rich net of internal correlations and both literary and semantic interconnections. It was a space for an intensive poetry-creating work, drawing strongly from the Greek formula of poetic art as poieín.

  • Page Range: 43-64
  • Page Count: 22
  • Publication Year: 2021
  • Language: Polish
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