Wyzwalacze równości płci – konteksty egalitaryzacji relacji rodzinnych i... zawodowych
Gender Equality Triggers: Contexts of Egalitarianization of Family and Work Relations

Author(s): Krystyna Slany, Ewa Krzaklewska, Marta Warat
Subject(s): Gender Studies, Sociology
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: quality of life; women’s rights; family; gender equality
Summary/Abstract: In this paper we reflect on the process of egalitarianization of family life, looking for key moments or events in a person’s life that accelerated or reinforced the “journey to equality”. The family is an area of social life where the struggle for equality is seen as crucial due to the unfair division of labor and privileges of power. Based on the qualitative research material, we put forward a concept of gender equality triggers – pointing to specific turning points in the thinking about and practining equality. Our reflection on the equality triggers serves as a continuation of the research on the processes of transformation of the gender contract: from a gender contract based on the traditional gender order to a new, equal gender contract. “Secret doors to the transformation” of the gender contract are linked with women’s entry into employment, the unequal distribution of unpaid work, relationship crises, the emergence of feminist consciousness through learning about other women’s experiences, and the refusal to reproduce inequality.

  • Page Range: 457-468
  • Page Count: 12
  • Publication Year: 2022
  • Language: Polish
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