Суфизмът като инструмент за противодействие на радикалния ислям
Sufism as аn Instrument to Counter Radical Islam

Author(s): Vesela Todorova
Subject(s): Philosophy, Non-European Philosophy, Theology and Religion, Islam studies, Middle-East Philosophy, History of Islam, Qur’anic studies
Published by: Великотърновски университет „Св. св. Кирил и Методий”
Keywords: radical islam; sufism; shari‘a; radicalization; jihad; Quran
Summary/Abstract: The influence of radical islam is spreading not only in the Middle East but also around the rest of the world. With the surge of the terrorist attacks in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and USA, commited in the name of radical organizations such as Islamic State and Al Qaeda, there is an urgent need of finding a solution to counter radicalization among the muslim population and converts around the world. In this paper the roots of the modern doctrine of the radical islam are explained as well as the reason why sufism can be used as an instrument to fight the radicalization in islam.

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