The procedural situation of parents and guardians in cases of crimes committed by minors Cover Image
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Процесуалното положение на родителите и попечителите по делата за престъпления, извършени от непълнолетни
The procedural situation of parents and guardians in cases of crimes committed by minors

Author(s): Boyan Belezhkov
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law, International Law
Published by: Пловдивски университет »Паисий Хилендарски«
Keywords: minors; defendants; parents; guardians; procedural status
Summary/Abstract: A special place among the special rules for considering cases of crimes committed by minors is allocated to the participation of their parents or guardians. With international acts on children's justice, the role of these actors is primarily associated with providing assistance and emotional support, while in Bulgarian doctrine and jurisprudence, the notion that they contribute mainly to revealing the objective truth about those circumstances related to the person of the minor defendant.The subject of the present study is the procedural situation of the parents and guardians, the conformity of the Bulgarian procedural system with the international standards of justice, according to the best interests of the child, as well as the problems of jurisprudence on the analyzed issue.

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