Триумфът на кръста над полумесеца, или Краят на арабското господство на Иберийския полуостров
The Cross Triumphant over the Crescent Moon, or the End of the Arab Reign over the Iberian Peninsula
Author(s): Ivona Karashtranova
Subject(s): History, Local History / Microhistory, Military history, Middle Ages, 15th Century
Published by: Великотърновски университет „Св. св. Кирил и Методий”
Keywords: Arabs; Christians; influence; Al-Andalus; Arab Caliphate
Summary/Abstract: The end of the Arab reign over the Iberian Peninsula also marks the end of one of the most colourful and beneficial periods during the Middle Ages, not only in Spain, but in the whole European continent. The powerful civilization center Al-Andalus, which was established by the Arabs, after a nearly eight-century long struggle finally kneels down before the Christian crown. The year is 1492, the place – Granada, the last Islamic fortress on the peninsula. The Christians, led by the Catholic Kings – a symbol of the unified royal power, managed to retrieve the lands that were enslaved by the Arab caliphate. What were the reasons and prerequisites for the successful Arab invasion and how did the Christians emerge triumphant are some of the questions that this article aims to answer.The end of the Arab reign over the Iberian Peninsula also marks the end of one of the most colourful and beneficial periods during the Middle Ages, not only in Spain, but in the whole European continent. The powerful civilization center Al-Andalus, which was established by the Arabs, after a nearly eight-century long struggle finally kneels down before the Christian crown. The year is 1492, the place – Granada, the last Islamic fortress on the peninsula. The Christians, led by the Catholic Kings – a symbol of the unified royal power, managed to retrieve the lands that were enslaved by the Arab caliphate. What were the reasons and prerequisites for the successful Arab invasion and how did the Christians emerge triumphant are some of the questions that this article aims to answer.
Book: Societas Classica. Култури и религии на Балканите, в Средиземноморието и Изтока. Том 10 Data One
- Page Range: 328-336
- Page Count: 9
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: English, Bulgarian
- Content File-PDF