Тандемът човешки потенциал – изкуствен интелект – фактор и условие за поддържане на нивата на демографската сигурност
The tandem „human potential – artificial intelligence“ is a factor and condition for maintaining the levels of demographic security

Author(s): Gena Tsvetkova Velkovska
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Sociology, Security and defense, Demography and human biology, Conference Report, Human Resources in Economy, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
Published by: Висше училище по сигурност и икономика (ВУСИ)
Keywords: demographic security; artificial intelligence; human potential; digitization; European Union
Summary/Abstract: Europe's digital future and securing it with a Digital Europe package is linked to the aspiration of digital technologies to be of exceptional benefit to society and the economy. In the conditions of ever-expanding digitalization, a number of question marks appear. One of them is whether demographic security will be preserved as an element of national security and what are the parameters for the application of artificial intelligence in tandem with human potential.

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