Изкуственият интелект – фактор за бизнеса и работните места
Artificial intelligence – factor for the business development and the employment

Author(s): Snezhana Petkova Dimitrova
Subject(s): Politics, Economy, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Business Economy / Management, Labor relations, Economic policy, Conference Report, Human Resources in Economy, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
Published by: Висше училище по сигурност и икономика (ВУСИ)
Keywords: intelligent software; artificial intelligence; technologies; databases; database analysis; sustainable development
Summary/Abstract: The entrance of artificial intelligence in our lives is expected to lead to the disappearance of many professions. Even though the digital transformation will probably create many other jobs, training and education will have key role for the development of skills that would avoid the long-term unemployment. New perspectives for products and services appear including in sectors like green and circular economy, sustainability agriculture, healthcare. Artificial intelligence could help for the optimization of supply chains, improvement of the machine maintenance, increase in productivity, improvement of the quality of service and energy saving. The application of artificial intelligence in the public sector could reduce costs and offer new possibilities for the public transport, education, energy management, recycling and waste management. It could contribute for better healthcare, safer vehicles, personalized and cheaper products. The work places could become safer with the use of robots and the development of new industries will create new work places.

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