Закономерности в развитието на системите с изкуствен интелект при изготвянето на криминалистически експертизи
Regularities in the development of systems with artificial intelligence in the preparation of criminalistics examinations

Author(s): Kuzman Minkov Martinov
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Economy, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Public Law, Sociology, Criminology, Conference Report, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
Published by: Висше училище по сигурност и икономика (ВУСИ)
Keywords: forensics; criminalistics; systems with artificial intelligence; regularities; development; dactyloscopic examinations
Summary/Abstract: The purpose of this report is to reveal the regularities that govern the development of artificial intelligence in the field of forensic science. An attempt has been made to establish them through analysis and scientific interpretation of the processes related to their implementation and use in forensic research. The focus of the research is refracted through the prism of the application of artificial intelligence systems in the field of dactyloscopic examinations. The historical stages and the factors that determine their appearance and evolution in their development are traced. The obtained results contribute to deepening the knowledge of theoretical and practical issues related to the use of artificial intelligence systems in the course of forensic examinations, their importance and current state, as well as to forecasting their future development.

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