Въздействието на изкуствен интелект върху сигурността на малките държави
The impact of artificial intelligence on the security of small states

Author(s): Iliya Borisov Tabakov
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Security and defense, Conference Report
Published by: Висше училище по сигурност и икономика (ВУСИ)
Keywords: artificial intelligence; talents; strategy; digital sovereignty; armed forces; national security
Summary/Abstract: The report examines the challenges facing small countries in relation to the entry of artificial intelligence into social and economic life and the digital transformation of the Western world. The main risks and threats to the security, governance and digital future of countries with more modest capabilities are presented. Many countries have to solve the complex task of finding the balance between digitization and economic development on the one hand and their security, digital sovereignty and economic future on the other. Changes in the security environment present small countries with existential challenges, where in the digital arena they may die.

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