Заплахи за сигурността, свързани с изкуствения интелект
Artificial intelligence security threats

Author(s): Snezhana Petkova Dimitrova
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Security and defense, Conference Report
Published by: Висше училище по сигурност и икономика (ВУСИ)
Keywords: artificial intelligence; technologies; security risks; threats; machine learning; deep learning; data protection
Summary/Abstract: Nowadays, artificial intelligence finds more and more applications in industry, medicine and even in our everyday life. Artificial intelligence starts to be everywhere even if we do not notice it. In the post-industrial era of information technologies that we all live in artificial intelligence is inevitable factor for the human and economic development and its role will become even more significant. However, with all the benefits it brings, artificial intelligence contains also some risks which should be well studied, evaluated and mitigated. Risks are inevitable and they should be confronted but this does not mean that artificial intelligence should be underestimated or opposed. It should be subject to stricter control so that its application is always ethical and oriented towards the humanity’s wellbeing.

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