Изкуственият интелект и ролята на човека в системите за сигурност
Artificial intelligence and the role of man in security systems

Author(s): Nadya Ivanova Marinova
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Governance, Security and defense, Conference Report
Published by: Висше училище по сигурност и икономика (ВУСИ)
Keywords: artificial intelligence; digitalization; security; information; automation
Summary/Abstract: Man-made automated intellectual systems will always facilitate his work. However, they are not able to completely ignore it. Therefore, it should be borne in mind that the nature of the work with intellectual security systems requires the operator to resort to various ways to reduce the stress inherent in this activity. Mankind is moving with incomparably fast steps towards a new information revolution, which on its scale can surpass the advent of the Internet. This revolution is artificial intelligence.

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