Държавните финанси при турболентност в икономиката
Government Financewith Turbolity in the Economy
Author(s): Metodi Hristov
Subject(s): Economy, Public Finances
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: government finance; government expenditure; government revenue; budget balances; tax revenues; debt financing; money issue
Summary/Abstract: Issues related to public finances are highly dependent on the economic situation of each country. Attention to them is growing with turbulence in the economy. This finding is also valid for the countries of the European Union. Such is the situation at the moment when the Faculty of Finance and Accounting of UNWE celebrates its 70th anniversary and organizes this jubilee international conference.The chosen topic of the report also determines its content. The first part deals with issues related to the expenditures of the EU-27 countries, and the second – selected issues from the revenues of these countries. Information from Eurostat and the European Central Bank for the period 2015-2021 is used in compiling its content.
Book: 70 години Финансово-счетоводен факултет на УНСС. Международна научна конференция
- Page Range: 9-20
- Page Count: 12
- Publication Year: 2022
- Language: Bulgarian